'Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jessicaawyattt/ Snapchat: jessicaawyattt Twitter: @Jesswyattmakeup Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jessicawyattyoutube?ref=hl I used the shade \"Minx\" in both foundations Lipstick is MAC \"Velvet Teddy\" Mineral Foundation - https://thinlizzy.com.au/products/thin-lizzy-mineral-foundation-filled-pressed-compact Flawless Complexion - https://thinlizzy.com.au/products/flawless-complexion-liquid-foundation What I use to film: Camera: Canon EOS 70d Microphone: Snowball Ice Microphone Edit: Final Cut Pro Computer: Apple iMac Music: Disclaimer - I was not sponsored in any way for this video.'
Tags: fashion , beauty , cosmetics , style , clothes , makeup , fun , mua , AUSTRALIA , hair , aussie , foundation review , Brisbane , Jessica , wyatt , makeupcollection , jess , thin lizzy , thin thizzy review , thin lizzy flawless complexion foundation review , thin lizzy mineral powder review , thing lizzy mineral foundation review
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